Welcome to 2025! Outside of MLB Pro, I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season and here within MLB Pro I hope the offseason is going as you would have hoped thus far as well.
2025 will be year #14 for MLB Pro, a number that I truly marvel at every time we approach a new season. I have been playing OOTP since Season Ticket Baseball 2003/OOTP 4, have had the luxury of being in some very fun leagues with a long list of tremendous people, but the longevity that MLB Pro has lasted up to this point is something I do not take for granted. As always, I appreciate the time, energy, commitment everyone here now and in the past has given to the league. I recently dove down the rabbit hole of the Web-Archive and found this in our former Commish’s first departure post:
It is up to you guys to do whatever you need to do and change whatever you need to change to keep the ship afloat. Make this league your own. Just make sure it keeps going. I ask that you be thoughtful in your decisions and think in the long term. We have created some incredible memories and friendships here and I would hate to see such a magnificent league deteriorate.
Andrew S. from Circa, September 2014
I think we have honored his wishes over the next decade well. We have seen GM’s come and go (and come back), we have seen some stick it out for every day of MLB Pro’s existence (you sickos), we’ve had GM’s try both the American and National Leagues, some who have won, rebuilt, won, and rebuilt again. Off the field…we’ve played through a pandemic, we’ve seen graduations, marriages, new jobs, children born, children join us here. Needless to say, a lot has happened over the years.
To echo upon Andrew’s message, I hope (and to be very, very clear: have every intention of doing what it takes) MLB Pro has another 15+ years in it. Every offseason, Justin and I chit-chat about the league and the direction it is headed. We think there are tons of positives surrounding the league, but I think there are other areas where perhaps we have some slight concerns.
I know we do a Roll Call prior to each offseason beginning, but I want everyone to take some time (a few days/a week/2 weeks) to think about their MLB Pro position. The first question I want you to ask yourself is this: Are you still having fun? Do you still enjoy checking MLB Pro? Being a part of this league should not feel like a chore or a bother to you. And if the answer is no, that’s fine. Let me know, we’ll find a replacement, and we can look to find a spot for you in the future if you ever have such a desire. Those that leave in good standing will always be welcomed back. In addition to simply having fun, do you see yourself continuing to have time to actually do the “job” of being a GM?
- Exporting: We’ve been over this in the past. I have a much more relaxed approach on this than Andrew ever did. That said, I still need you to be able to export. Not just lineups/depth charts, but keeping track of your DFA/waivers, minor leagues, injured lists, etc. The offseason is a great time to recharge, but as we hit Spring Training, I will need these to pick up.
- Slack: No one is expected to be on and active in the Slack 24/7 (except for Scott). What I do ask is that everyone though do check-in, be available to respond in a timely manner to people. Again, this might be a day or two after, but try and avoid the week-plus lag times. Etc. If you are not exporting as frequently as is asked, popping up in Slack is a great way for me to see your interest remain.
- Trade Blocks/Anonymous GM: Simply a reminder of both…
- Voting/Drafting: Again, like the above, this is a great way to either show your commitment/interest or in some ways to show the lack of it.
There are circumstances we all go through that take our time, energy, attention away from here. That is 100% to be expected and is 100% understood. The concern we have is when a GM is a bit MIA in all of the above. If you are not in Slack, not voting/drafting, and not exporting, that is when problems arise.
There is no blame or anger towards any GM that decides stepping away is right.
Justin (99.7% of the time) and I (100%) of the time are always looking and thinking of ways to keep MLB Pro in mind with each and every decision we make. I continue to like to think that we have built up enough cache over the years where that is both evident and understood. Going back to the era of Andrew a bit and something he put in the original league rules: “It [MLB Pro] is also not a democracy. While input is welcomed, sought out and always encouraged, at the end of the day, decisions have to be made by the League Office and those decisions need to be respected.” I think we have done a good job at being more receptive to opinions and ideas than the previous leadership, but the point remains.
To take things a step further, I am considering (FAR from 100%, but it has at least been brought up internally) the idea of making 2025 my last year as a GM which would then allow me to firmly take the Commissioner spot where I would hope that there an even greater understanding that every decision I make comes from a spot of league first.
MLB Pro is built and has been built upon the strength of those here. I remain happy and interested in your ideas and suggestions. I remain dedicated to doing my part to keeping it at a level that everyone enjoys.
I would ask that you take some time to think over all things MLB Pro and if you indeed remain both interested and committed to being a part of the league. Once you have a firm decision, please let me know.
Thank you.
Happy 2025 to everyone.
-Commish M.E.