Thank you to everyone for taking the time to complete the Roll Call and Rules Questionnaire for the upcoming season.
We have one opening (Phillies) and two GM’s still deciding their future. I have been in contact with both and notified both GM’s that I will be in contact again during the playoffs.
I do want to offer one note to all when it comes to MLB Pro and participation. Between exporting, Slack, Award Voting, proper roster management (putting/removing players on IL, complete/incomplete minors, depth charts, etc.) there are numerous ways to show your involvement with the league. We ask for at least 25% exporting while acknowledging that not all 25%’s are created equally. We are a vast collection of GM’s, we all have different work, family, life situations with each often throwing a wrench into our plans. In addition, we’ve been doing this for over a decade so I fully understand any fatigue you may have which require taking a step back. I just ask that all do acknowledge that what has made MLB Pro be as good (In my opnion) as it has been has been the collection of people we have within the league. Just try and find a balance where things do not get out of hand. The lengthy exporting breaks are always a concern and something that I am often asked about from others that notice lineup, pitching, IL issues etc. Just be cognizant of that. As I always have said in the past and think I have shown true to my word with, those that leave the league in good standing are welcome back in the future. Also to be clear, there are a few that are on the lower end of the exporting season/monthy totals that are very active. That are on Slack, are quick to respond to league matters, that reach out privately to situations. This is not calling anyone out, just something I wanted to make sure everyone was again on the same page with.
Switching Teams: It does not look like we will have anyone switching teams this off-season.
Minor League Realignment: 27 Votes (The Phillies + the League Office did not vote in these polls.) 24 Yes votes, 2 wanted realignment but reached out to me about the process, and 2 no votes. Realignment will be a go. This will be done early in the conversion process of OOTP 24 (or so is the plan as of today).
Slack vs. Discord: 20 voted for Slack, 5 for Discord, 2 Abstain – we will be sticking with Slack.
The 30 Player Addition Draft: 15 I like it and would like to see this happen votes, 7 Nope, nope, nope – definitely no votes, and 5 Too early to tell, need more info. As a result, we will not be doing this in the upcoming off-season. The idea will be put on the back-burner for now, potentially tinkered with, with perhaps a vote coming at the Winter Meetings for the off-season following the 2024 season.
There are a couple other things that were brought up during the Roll Call. I have reached out to those privately about their ideas and will continue to try and see if and how we can implement them here. They will be introduced to the league when ready and we can go from there.
We will have an off-season schedule as we get deep into the playoffs. Of note, a one week pause is likely coming before/during the World Series. Depending on who is involved, we could catch back up with multiple day sims if those GM’s are around for the live sims/roster updating/days off between games. More on that as we get closer.