- Should MLB Pro implement the three-batter minimum rule?
- Simply an adoption or rejection of the recently added MLB rule.
- Simply an adoption or rejection of the recently added MLB rule.
- Should MLB Pro implement changes to the MLB Pro draft order?
- [Would be in place starting with the 2024 draft.]
- The first six picks of the first round would be decided by a draft lottery.
- Draft Odds can be seen in the chart below.
- Conducted at Winter Meetings
- Using /roll Slack command of a 1,000 sided dice. Picks will be assigned 1 to 6.
- Roll with correspond with a randomly assigned number on this Google Sheet
- Using /roll Slack command of a 1,000 sided dice. Picks will be assigned 1 to 6.
- Picks 7-18 will be non-playoff teams from worst record to best record (think current draft order in-game).
- Picks 19-30 will be determined by the playoffs.
- 19-22: Losers of the Wild Card Round (Worst record to best record)
- 23-26: Losers of the LDS (Worst record to best record)
- 27-28: Losers of the LCS (Worst record to best record)
- 29: World Series Loser
- 30: World Series Champion
- In rounds 2-20…
- Picks 1-18 will be worst record to best record of non-playoff teams
- Picks 19-30 will remain in the same order they were for round 1.

[Note: While I continue to agree that owner goals are arbitrary and in some cases make no sense with regards to a GM’s desires for the team, the more I looked into removing owner goals, the more it appeared to not have the desired impact that some felt would happen. Let me spend some more time this off-season with this one before we do anything with it.]